Who am I?

I am a body-oriented therapist from Croatia with many years of experience in individual and group therapy. I currently live and work in Denmark. In the therapeutic process, I consider myself as a space holder. I offer and maintain a safe space in order to support you in whichever way is needed.

My background and education have given me tools to be there for you in order to overcome emotional trauma or frustration, cope with outbursts of anger or sadness, and with any unpleasant states.

I will support you to stand on your own ground and be in your truth. I will also encourage you to take the leap which is needed for you to live the life you truly deserve.

My Story

Somewhere in my early twenties I have gone through my awakening. I became aware of the difference between my inner world and the world I was physically living in. I then started my spiritual journey and became a devoted seeker. I have come across some beautiful channeled teachings in my eagerness to learn and to reach my point of realization.

But little did I know at the time that a search for the self is not in a temple or with a guru, it is inside of us. That knowingness has led me to therapy. I could no longer ignore all of the neglected parts inside of me wanting to be seen and acknowledged.

I have spent a decade working on my masks, personality issues, and my shadow self. That journey helped me to really take responsibility and embody all of the beauty at the core of my being that is really me, which was only a dream before. I was finally allowing it. I realized that life is happening in the now and no experience can be reached outside our only home- our body.

I am now in service to support anyone who needs support in finding and grounding their deepest longings and desires. For me, that is the true love I want to share while here on this beautiful earth.


  • Body-oriented and Mindfulness-centered Psychotherapy, International Institute of Core Evolution (ECP, EAPB)

  • Core Soma Intensive, International institute of Core Evolution (ECP,EAPB)

  • Crimson Circle Advanced Studies, (Aspectology School, Sexual Energy School, Dreamwalker Death, Keahak)

  • Body-oriented therapy and Pathwork by Five Elements, C.E. Training and Mentoring with J. Perak

  • Tesla Healing Metamorphosis, Tesla Metamorphosis Academy

  • Master of Social Work, University of Zagreb

  • Bachelor of Social Work, University of Zagreb

Begin Your Journey