The Spark of Life
Allow what wants to live inside of you to move you.
“There is always light. If only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.”
— Amanda Gorman
We were given the gift of life from the moment we were born. In the ideal case, our spark of life was welcomed, nourished, and supported. If that was not the case, we unconsciously dimmed our light and survived the unwelcoming environment.
While we were surviving, our spark of life remained unseen. Since the impulses we received from the outside world were not supporting our aliveness, we had to find a way to adjust.
We then created personalities that supported the expectations of our environment but also helped us avoid pain. For example, if, as babies, we were not held, touched, and nourished, we tend to grow up to be the person who doesn’t need love and connection.
If we were not allowed to proclaim our freedom and have clear boundaries as children, we tend to grow up into the person who is people pleaser and often doesn’t know what they want in life.
Most people tend to live without ever asking themselves questions such as Who am I, and what is the meaning of life?
If you are lucky, these questions came to you, possibly in the form of a crisis, depression, or simply naturally as daylight. Something inside of you wanted to wake you up from this mass hypnosis.
If you are going through an awakening, that means that your inner light is ready to shine through your imbalances and shadows and bring back the consciousness of who you are.
This path is not easy because it takes a lot of courage to face oneself. Once we know and accept ourselves in all that we are, we are given the elixir. That is what we call the spark of life.
The spark of life is a part of us that wants to live, say yes to life, and show up for life.
The spark of life is our willingness to live. It is the alignment of our body, heart, and soul.
When we choose life, it is the day we truly start living freely, authentically, and from the essence.
Essence is who and what we are at the core of our being. When we are present with our essence, life starts giving us exactly what we need. Not want, but need. It is then up to us to receive it.
What does life from the essence look like?
Essence is soft, present, and flowing. Life is flowing through us without resistance. We face life with ease and gentleness. We are present with the grace of our divinity and compassionate towards ourselves and others. We know who we are and what we want.
We don’t need to push and pull because time always supports us. We feel the inner joy that allows us to get excited about simple things in life. We don’t need to search for God outside of us because we are deeply aware that we are God also.
We allow life to move through us because we are able to perceive our bodies as the highest form of embodied expression. We can see our body as a vessel to be even more present in life and experience all its glory and sensuality.
Who is this for?
This is for you if you:
Reclaim your spark
Say YES to life
Live authentically
Have the sense of real freedom
Live your creativity
Be in your flow
Get a deeper understanding of the potentials that are inside of you
Get the access to aliveness that is always available
Say yes to yourself and yes to life
Express yourself and what you feel
Discover the ability to feel safe, nourished, free, open, and flowing
Learn how to embody your spark
What will you get?
You will:
Gain clarity on what is your essence
Understand what is the shadow and how to work with it
Become aware of inner qualities that were suppressed
Receive a high-quality self-development approach, based on body-oriented-psychotherapy
Become aware of the inner conflict
Learn embodied movement and experiential practices
Create a clear intention to experience more bliss and ease
Get to know and understand yourself on a deeper level
Discover the ability to feel safe, nourished, free, open, and flowing
Learn how to embody your spark
Hi, I’m Lana!
I want to share with you one story that came through me at a moment when I felt like life had lost all meaning. This story represents that life is in its nature simple, easy, and honest. It has one purpose. To move. Life is constantly shifting, moving, and renewing. There is no death in life. The only fear that is worse than the fear of death is the fear of life. The reason why we fear life is because we fear our energy.
The Reason to Live
It was one of those days… I felt like nothing was going right. It wasn’t just about my current situation; it was about my entire life. Nothing made sense anymore. Yes, the darkness paid me a little visit. You see, when you dive into the darkness, you truly can’t see the light. It has the power to consume you and convince you that it is the only thing that exists.
This wasn’t the first time I’ve encountered my darkness; oh no, I knew my dark aspect very well. We sort of had a relationship. An abusive one, to be honest, but a relationship. I knew how to handle it. You see, I considered myself a swimmer, a swimmer of my psyche. I could dive deep, but I would always float back to the surface.
This time was different. I reached the bottom. That was it. Nothing there anymore. Nothing to be fixed, nothing to heal, no wound. Just a big hole. I was done. I was completely done with this whole game called life. I couldn’t see the point.
Born, raised by families consumed in their issues, schooled to obey, looking for jobs to get money so that we can buy our existence. Dating, falling in love, ending up disappointed and heartbroken, just so we could have our kids and teach them all of this nonsense. Well, not me. I was done.
Someone looking from the outside could call it depression, but it wasn’t about that. I didn’t see the rational point of sticking around. And yes, it wasn’t all bad. You can have a job you love, amazing friends, a good boyfriend. I had all of that.
But it was too much. I was still fighting my way through. I was nowhere near the freedom I knew existed somewhere. I wanted to fly. I wanted to be free. So, I decided to do the only thing I could do in a tough moment like this. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and allowed myself to feel the presence of my soul. If anybody knew how to be free, it was her.
“What the hell?” my soul said pretty angrily. “You know what girl, you gotta chill. Your thoughts are exhausting me!” Yes, I know… My soul did not sound like what you would have imagined a soul to sound like.
“But soul, I am desperate. I am unhappy. I think I want to go,” I cried.
“Go where? What’s the deal now? Is it a job now? No, wait, I know. Abundance issues? It’s always the same girl. You’re never gonna learn. Just allow and relax. Look at me. You will need to learn how to enjoy if you want to stick around,” she said.
“But that’s the thing soul. I am done. I don’t want abundance; I don’t want a job. I don’t need anything. I just want to go. This whole experience has been a big struggle. And I just can’t take it anymore,” I said.
“Girl, it’s a struggle because you are constantly playing the same game, and it is draining you. But where do you think you will go?” my soul asked.
“You mean after I die? I don’t know. Somewhere where I will finally be free. And where you and I will be together always,” I said.
“You got that right. Let me tell you something, girl. You wanna die? It’s your choice. Do you really want it? Hell, I can make it happen. And you know where will you go? Remember your dreams when you were a kid? Unicorns and angels? It’s all real. Is that what you want?” my soul asked.
“Yes, I do!” I said with excitement.
“Okay, as you wish. But, first I want you to do something for me,” my soul said.
“What is it?” I asked.
“I want you to go and find one reason to live. Just one. I’m sure a smart girl like you won’t have a problem with such a small task,” my soul chuckled.
“Oh man, I mean, oh soul. But just one? And how am I supposed to do that?” I asked irritated.
“Go and do whatever you humans do when you celebrate life,” my soul answered.
At that moment, I was alone again. The reason to live? Is it love? Nature? Traveling? Everything is just not worth the trouble. What does she want for me? I got so angry. I didn’t know what to do with so much anger, so I started to move. I started to move my body in the rhythm of my anger. It wasn’t pretty but it was.
My body was shaking as my legs and arms were completely uncoordinated trying to break free. I followed my inner rhythm. After some time of regular human emotions, I fell into nothingness. I could have felt that my body was moving, but I was nothing but a breath and a heartbeat.
I heard an echo of my heartbeat going into other realities and coming back to me. It was a pure feeling of „I exist“. I could have felt my entire body as oneness. My heart became so overwhelmed that I broke into tears. Tears of joy. The joy of existence. I knew that was it.
My body is the reason to live. My body is a celebration of life. My soul knew that. If I go, I would have to leave my body. No more sensuality of my skin, joy in my heart, pleasure in my pelvis, presence of my feet. I got it. I wasn’t done with life. I was just done with the old way. The human way.
But maybe I just opened the door to a new way. A way of the soul. It’s not about what we have or who we meet, or even what we accomplish. With that, I was done for sure. But in this realized moment, I knew that we came here to enjoy life. As I took another deep breath, I could’ve seen my soul smiling.
“You finally get it. You are one with me in your every experience if you just allow it,” she said. I was finally at peace. Where we go from here, only time will tell. But I knew I wanted to stay and find out.
Lana's movement classes helped me deep dive into myself when I was feeling stuck. Her broad knowledge and guidance helped me realize and understand some of the emotions that were lingering, but I couldn't quite pin point what was going on. Her classes showed me how to ground, to feel my body. Through movement all of those stuck emotions started to flow. I felt immediately lighter, and kind of had a "realization" of what was the issue, of the things that were bothering me that I wasn't even aware of, and didn't acknowledge until that moment. So I will be always grateful to Lana for making a difference, and making me feel safe and secure within myself.
Lana is a sensitive, intuitive therapist who has always mirrored my true self during therapy. Sometimes our aspects, traumas overwhelmed us and Lana gently guides the client to face their feelings and inner truth. That always moved me to reach deeper into my inner knowings and self.
Lana is a wonderful and compassionate therapist, always deeply present and creating a safe space for sharing your innermost thoughts and feelings. I felt supported, heard and seen as well as incredibly safe and fully received at each moment. Lana helped me navigate some very personal and sensitive areas during a very challenging time in my life. I will always be grateful for her support, her wisdom as well as her steady and accepting presence when I needed it most. Thank you
1. Movement and nourishment
We will learn how to become aware of our sensations, feelings, emotions, and the overall state of our bodies. We will explore how energies can be released, observed, and regulated through movement and nourishment. Acceptance, regulation, and inner resources will be guides during the entire process. We will find the aliveness that never left our bodies. Whether we are aware of it or not, our heart is constantly beating, our lungs are constantly breathing, and there is a constant movement of life inside of us.
2. The Expression
In depression, we are using all of our energy not to express ourselves. This can be dreading and uncomfortable. We will learn how to go step by step and see what is there inside of us that wants to live, express, and flow.
3. Saying “Yes” and “No” to life
Life is fairly simple. We are either saying “yes“ or we are saying “no.“ There is no guilt in that. In this module, we will allow and feel the pattern of our “no,” and without trying to change it, we will bring in the “yes“ also. The part that is alive and aligned with our higher potentials.
4. Idealized Self, shadow, and the essence
In this module, we will introduce the 3 parts of our being. We will explore why and how they operate in our lives, both consciously and unconsciously, why it is important to understand our shadow, what the idealized self is and why we use it, and what our essence is and how we can embody it in our life.
5. Aliveness
In this module, we will learn that life is not just about surviving, but rather living. We will learn what are our unique qualities, what is our authentic expression, and how to show up in and for life. We will allow ourselves to shine our light.
6. Surrendering to the flow
The last part is a deliberate choice to be in the flow. It’s a daily choice. When we are in the flow, we don’t need to fight, control, or focus on it. It simply is. It always is. Our energy always responds to our consciousness. All we have to do is choose it and allow it.
7. Bonus Individual Session
After you complete the course, you will be able to book an individual session to get some extra support, clarity, and integration
Will there be individual sessions?
Yes, you will receive one follow up session as a bonus after you complete the program.
Is this psychotherapy?
No, this is not psychotherapy, although this program has some exercises and techniques that stem from body-oriented psychotherapy.
Will this program expire?
This program is not conducted live, nor will it expire. You can participate at your own pace.
How long does this program last?
This program lasts for six days. It has six sessions in duration of around 45 minutes each. It is recommended that you participate daily in one session. Each session requires privacy and movement.
(Disclaimer: This is not a substitute for medical treatment, psychotherapy, or medication. Participants must take full responsibility for their physical and psychological well-being during the program. This program is not a cure for F.32 Depression. If you are suffering from severe depression and/or are experiencing suicidal thoughts, find a psychiatrist in your community immediately. It is participant's responsibility to follow his/her own needs and to take care of his/her body at all times. The facilitator can take no responsibility for an injury you sustain as a result of you participating in this program. This course require physical movement. In case there is any kind of restriction for your body you will take care of it and adjust any exercise to your own needs and abilities. Participation in a class is no substitute for any medical treatments or therapy. Not recommend for people suffering from mental illnesses. It is recommended that participants already have experience in self-development.)